Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Mom Talks About Vaccinations

Julie wrote:
"I have a link to a great article that provides good information with the sources and explains how the lies are propagated using junk science.
Also, I know you are dismissing my personal experience, but you'll never find the side effects my children have suffered in the statistics because they refuse to consider it an adverse reaction!  But, I just want to tell you my story, as I mentioned my son has asthma, which I believe to be caused by the vaccines (he was not born with it, and it appeared after being vaccinated), my daughter also experienced adverse reactions after the MMR vaccine.  She was a normal, very happy, easy baby until that vaccine.  Then, she started screaming at night, screaming when other people would look at her, she was so hysterical at church in the nursery that she made the other babies all cry and I had to get her.  She started crying hysterically after someone put a birthday hat on her at her 1st birthday party, it took my husband 30 min. to calm her down from that after taking her upstairs in her room with the lights out and quiet.  I subsequently sought natural medical care since I called the Pediatrician and they didn't consider it related to the vaccine!  With treatment from the naturopath, she got better, we discovered it was the measles portion of the shot in her case that made her sick.  Besides all of this, she gets sick 12-14 times a year with viruses, until I started giving her vit. D, which has helped a lot.  I told the Dr. that she was sick this much and they told me that was "normal"!  It was not considered normal to be sick literally all the time when I was a kid.  I had maybe 2 to 3 viruses a year.  She would literally go from one virus to another, her immune system is so damaged from the vaccines.  Also, consider how many kids have severe egg and latex allergies, they add adjuvants (aluminum, MF59, ASO3, just to name a few) that cause the immune system to overreact and produce an antibody response.  The vaccine manufacturers use eggs to make the vaccines as well as  rubber stoppers that are used on the top of the vaccine vials.  These substances are then injected into the child with the vaccines that causes the  overreaction to occur.  I know several children who have life-threatening egg allergies.  I don't want to argue back and forth because it's not about being right, it's about letting truth prevail!  You can present someone with truth right in front of their face and they may still choose to believe lies.  My only goal is to present people with the evidence and they can decide for themselves.  I can tell you that many parents have questions about the vaccines, but are too afraid to question the Dr.'s.  I have been treated horribly when I go to the Pediatrician's office and told that I'm stupid and don't know what I"m talking about, when they haven't provided me with any solid information proving the vaccines are safe.  If you want more solid scientific evidence, Dr. Tenpenny is a great source, she has written books about it, as well as produced DVD's, and articles, just go to the website.  Her DVD on the flu vaccine alone is 2 hrs. long, so as I mentioned it cannot all be explained in a short FB response.  There are many other good resources too, you just have to take the time to read it!  I want to leave you with one more thought, why would I want to believe that vaccines are harmful when I allowed the poison to be injected into my children!  It was not an easy conclusion to come to, knowing that I allowed my children to be harmed and their health affected for the rest of their lives!  I now tell other Moms so that their children won't be damaged like mine were.  I admit that I was wrong for allowing them to receive the shots and now try to help others to learn from my mistake, but I would rather believe they are safe.  I just cannot do that knowing the scientific facts about what the ingredients do to the body.  My husband is a health provider and it is not easy for him to go against the grain either, but he does because he cannot ignore the facts.  There are many lies propagated today, not just about vaccines, fluoride and dental amalgam are two other examples.  It was  not an easy conclusion for my husband to come to that fluoride and dental amalgam harm people, after all he was taught in school that there is not harm in it!"

Monday, January 24, 2011

information from Dr. Fogelman

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  • The Flu Vaccination and Boosting Your Immune System Naturally!

    Getting the flu vaccine for the present flu season (2010-2011) is like buying a brand new car, but last years model. There are hundreds of influenza strains and no way to predict which flu will be most prevalent today. For each new flu season, the flu vaccination is invented based on last year’s flu virus. The flu virus we get today, most likely isn’t the one from the previous year.
    What does a flu vaccine contain?
    1. Thimerisol, which is a neurotoxic mercury preservative. Mercury, is the most toxic, non-radiated element on the planet and can cause a wide variety of neurologic disorders with increased and prolonged exposure.
    2. An active influenza strain most likely from the previous year
    3. Formaldehyde
    4. Sodium deoxycholate
    5. Egg protein, which is said to help in the immunity and protection against the influenza, but in actuality, it is an inactive ingredient and it offers no protection. In addition, children and those with severe egg allergies, shouldn’t get the vaccine at all.
    Many people, including young infants who have low/suppressed immune systems or children with acute illness should also not get the vaccine.
    FYI – Last year’s swine flu was a bust! The world wide hype about the dangers and the unnecessary vaccine all fizzled out! Fewer people died from the swine flu during the 2009-2010 season than in any average flu season.
    The best way to protect yourself from getting the flu is to boost your immune system. The best way to boost your immune system is:
    1. Lower your stress!
    2. Make sure you get adjusted to get rid of nerve interference and allow the body and immune system to function normally.
    3. You literally are what you eat! 75% of the immune system is found in your intestines/digestive tract. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates, sugars, alcohol, caffeine you eat and drink, and increase the amount of vegetables, grains, lean proteins and drink plenty of water.
    4. Regular exercise will keep your metabolism functioning and keep your blood flowing.
    5. 7-8 hours of sleep a night helps your body rest and rejuvenate.
    6. Nutrition:
    - Vitamin C – a loading dose of about 4-6000 mg to start, then 3000 mg/day (1000 mg 3x/day)
    - Multi Vitamin (with all the B vitamins in it)
    - Multi mineral supplement
    - Zinc – aids in the immunity and continued immune system stimulation
    - Vitamin D – improves the immune system (most people don’t get the amount needed on a daily basis)
    - Ginseng and Echinacea – both help to stimulate the immune system
    - Fish Oils – helps to clean the blood, coat the intestines, help the heart, feed the brain, etc.
    Making sure you are taking care of yourself in today’s society, involves daily practice and integrating each and every one of these points into your regimen. It’s not easy, but the more you do it, the quicker it becomes a habit and the healthier you will stay/be!

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    From one mom to another

    My daughter, Jill sent this as an email to a friend. There will not be any vaccinations at the 2 week check-up.  The first round of shots according to the typical schedule comes at 2 months.  I can't remember all the vaccines they want to give at 2 months, but it is quite a lot.  I would recommend that you ask your doctor at her 2 week appointment for a vaccine schedule.  That way you'll know what the doctor plans on giving Chloe, and at what age.  I won't tell you what to do about vaccines, but I can tell you what we did and I can point you toward some literature on vaccines so that you are informed.  When I was researching vaccines, I wanted to be balanced so that I was not reading only pro or con literature.  These were the best two books I found, and you can buy them on
    The Vaccine Book- by Dr. Sears-  Dr. Sears is actually pro-vaccination, but his analysis and explanation of the individual vaccines is pretty honest for the most part, and he does not seem to hide the negative side effects of the vaccines.
    The Vaccine Guide- Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults- by Randall Neustaedter-  This book was very informative for providing a detailed history of vaccinations and a detailed explanation of side effects.  It is more anti-vaccinations than the Vaccine Book, but it provided valid and proven data about vaccines that you won't get from most doctors.   
    I have also heard that Stephanie Cave's book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Your Children's Vaccinations" is pretty good, but I have not read it, so I can't fully recommend it. 
    I think these books will help you  have a clear picture of vaccinations and the side effects.  Even with the negative side effects, we have still partially vaccinated Lana, we just waited until she was older and weighed more, and we staggered her vaccinations so that she did not have more than one at a time in case there was a negative side effect, we could tell which vaccine caused the problem.  This was the schedule we did with our oldest daughter:
    8 months:  DTaP
    9 months:  Hib
    10 months:  DTaP (2nd shot)
    11 months:  Hib
    12 months:  DTaP (3rd shot)
    13 months:  Hib
    24 months:  Polio
    26 months:  Polio
    2 1/2 yrs:  Measles, Polio
    You will have to decide what schedule you want to create or whether you want to go with the standard vaccinations.  I think in Dr. Sears' book, he actually has a delayed/selective vaccination schedule, which is helpful.   The DTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis [whooping cough]) vaccine actually has a scary side effect history, but I was concerned about whooping cough and they do not offer a Pertussis-only shot, so I had to give her the entire DTaP shot.  You will find that they do this frequently, including the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella).  I was able to get Lana a measles-only shot, but they do not offer it anymore as far as I know.  One vaccine that I can say is pretty useless (even my doctor acknowledged it) is the Rotavirus vaccine.  It is one of the newest ones and basically we probably all had rotavirus as kids, and we survived. 
    Elly is almost 6 months and she has not had any vaccinations.  We will probably do the same schedule with her that we did with Lana, but we have not decided yet.  Every time we go to the doctor, we get somewhat pressured about vaccinating, but my doctor is pretty understanding for the most part.  They also try to scare you with stories of kids that get whooping cough, etc., but my kids are very healthy and I think it is partly due to the fact that their immune systems have not been overloaded and compromised by over-vaccinating.  The vaccine schedule that exists now has several more vaccinations than we had when we were little. 
    If you have any questions, please let me know.  Like I said before, you have to make your own decisions about vaccinating, but I would suggest reading those books to get a good picture of what vaccinating involves.  There are other considerations too, like if Chloe is going to daycare.  I did not have to deal with this because my mother-in-law watches my kids.  But, if they had gone to daycare, I might have done things a little different.  Hopefully this information helps.  This is one of the first major decisions you have to make as a parent!!

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    My First Post

    Welcome to my blog. I have created this blog out of a desire to support and education those mother's with young children about vaccinations. My daughters have faced the situation regarding when to vaccinate their children. We are NOT anti-vaccination. My daughters have both done extensive research and weighed the cause and effect and they will be sharing with you what they have discovered and the choices they have made for their children.

    We are all on the same side. We all want to do the best for our children. So we welcome a dialog, questions or information that you may want to share with us.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Somebody's Nana